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Spirituality Matters!

We believe in the integration of psychology and spirituality...helping our clients to become more complete by connecting with their spiritual center.

Our Spiritual Focus gives us a special care and compassion for our clients, as we walk alongside them in their journey of life.

If life is weighing you down, we can help you through it.

Our staff are all specially trained in Pastoral Counseling programs from well-respected Graduate Schools. We have expertise in the integration of spirituality and psychology.

What is Pastoral Counseling?

     When we encounter difficulties in our lives, the problem is rarely limited to one area of our life. Our troubles impact other people around us, family, friends, co-workers, and they also impact different areas of our lives, such as physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. If we focus on just one area of life and neglect others, the ones we overlook will quite often cause further problems for us.
     The ultimate goal of any counseling is to help people who are struggling with issues or concerns to move to a better place in their lives. This is done through a varietly of counseling techniques. PASTORAL COUNSELING takes the process to a deeper level. Pastoral Counselors are trained to integrate the scholarship of modern psychological thought with the traditions and foundations of spirituality. We are specially trained to help our clients to find a deeper focus and sense of meaning in their lives. And we do it in a non-threatening and non-judgmental way, helping our clients to find within themselves a new and renewed sense of fulfillment and completeness.
     We are comfortable, and even excited, to work with and within specific religious and/or denominational frameworks, but the central focus of our work is to help our clients discover their own sense of meaning, connecting with their Creator, and creating balance in their lives. We frequently bring Scripture into the counseling room, when appropriate and desired, but we also understand that there is a depth of meaning and understanding that can only be realized through deep personal reflection and meditation. We can help our clients along that exciting, challenging and enriching journey.




826 Delaware Avenue

Bethlehem, PA 18015

610-844-1061 or 610-317-0503